Remote Control Dice Tactics For Guaranteed Wins

Remote control dice are loaded in different ways to produce certain outcomes. One of the tops and bottoms of a die could include, for instance, a drilled.

It’s a type of cheating that requires a considerable amount of experience and expertise. It could be a major benefit for players. It also reduces the exploratory aspect of the game.

1. The deployment options

When making your plans for deployment, the most important thing to think about is which units are currently in reserve. In the event of a mission, you may not be able to gain LOS to every single one of them, however it is important to plan for the possibility that they will have at least one unit in their rear area and might block your Alpha strike if they’re not located in a central position.

It’s recommended to have your models deployed centrally, and make sure they are capable of threatening the opponent. Furthermore avoid taking the initiative unless you have to – it will not only cost you one turn, but it could deny you the utility of your reserves later on in the game.

The most effective way to combat this is to deploy several high-count, high-power weapons in your list including Hydra Flak Cannons, Vendettas, AC/HB Baal Predators, Longfangs, and Havoc Squads. These will provide high-volume fire at range and are the most dangerous threat for enemy units. This is particularly true for shooty armies like Dark Eldar and IG, but even foot-sloggers slogging like HB Havoc Squads, and rifleman dreads could pose extremely dangerous when they’re in the game at the start of the game.

2. Eyeballing distances

It’s not always feasible to take on your adversary with a punch. But there are a lot of times that it’s possible. If you can see an Furioso Dreadnought emerge from the pod from a distance, you should strike it. It’s risky, but your opponent won’t be able to predict it (unless they were able to predict that a pod would drop, which is not allowed in competitive situations).

Of course, you can be better than this. With our Lucky Mercury Loaded Dice (our best-selling product) it is possible to select the precise number of dice pips which will result from each roll. The rhombohedron, which is three-dimensional, is embedded in the dice, and the mercury is used to seal it, instead of iron powder. This lets you completely control the outcome of one swat. This is a wonderful way to ensure that you have the odds to your advantage.

3. Defensive Methods

A well-played game will require players to think about stack movement and try to influence it. When defending a certain region, it’s crucial to be aware of defensive tactics. For example if you have a bunch of ground units from different powers and you believe that the Allied player will be sending a lot of multi-power troops to defend the territory, you may decide it’s worth it to deploy defensive strategies so you don’t get struck as hard.

4. Rapid Deployment

Controlling dice is an extremely physical skill that takes hours and hours of practicing to master. Even the most dedicated controlled shooter acknowledges that their skills can be affected by physical circumstances or fatigue.

There are quick fixes you can apply to improve the chances of winning at dice-based games. One solution is the top-selling Lucky Mercury Loaded Dice. They are sealed by mercury to replace iron powder. Furthermore, the mercury can move freely, allowing you to have complete control over each roll. They’re also known as loaded craps or fixed dice.